How to use a single Loadbalancer for multiple ingresses in EKS, using Terraform.


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In Cloud, creating resources always comes with a cost. So operating a huge Kubernetes cluster with many deployments and ingresses usually would need a lot of load balancers.

Conceptually Kubernetes ingress is like a cloud load balancer, so it's a lot simpler to treat & configure it like one.

In this post, I'll illustrate using one load balancer for multiple ingresses.

At this point, I have an EKS cluster deployed by Terraform, and an AWS load balancer controller installed.

The key is using IngressGroup feature. my-team.awesome-group

Specify the order of ingresses by using: '10'

Below is complete code snippet in Terraform.

First Ingress

resource "kubernetes_ingress_v1" "testing" {
  metadata {
    name = "testing"
    annotations = {
      ""           = "default"
      ""           = "10"
      ""         = "443"
      ""               = "internet-facing"
      ""        = "200,404,301,302"
      ""         = "[{\"HTTPS\":443}, {\"HTTP\":80}]"
      ""      = "arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-1:"
    namespace = "testing"
  spec {
    ingress_class_name = "alb"
    rule {
      host = ""
      http {
        path {
          backend {
            service {
              name = "testing"
              port {
                number = 80
          path = "/*"
  depends_on = [module.alb-ingress]

Second Ingress

resource "kubernetes_ingress_v1" "example" {
  metadata {
    name = "example"
    annotations = {
      ""           = "default"
      ""           = "20"
      ""         = "443"
      ""               = "internet-facing"
      ""        = "200,404,301,302"
      ""         = "[{\"HTTPS\":443}, {\"HTTP\":80}]"
      ""      = "arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-1:"
    namespace = "example"
  spec {
    ingress_class_name = "alb"
    rule {
      host = ""
      http {
        path {
          backend {
            service {
              name = "example"
              port {
                number = 80
          path = "/*"
  depends_on = [module.alb-ingress]